Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Internet of Bikes: New York City Central Park Saturday Morning Ride

View Saturday Morning Ride in New York City Central Pare in a larger map
Frame and Wheel rode in Central Park last weekend for the first time in many years. The temperature was in the 50s and it was overcast. It was an early start so there was not much traffic, outside of the CRCA Saturday Morning Race Series, which was an impressive sight. Frame and Wheel was aware that the race is open only to CRCA club members, and had no intention of hopping on. Instead, Frame and Wheel crept around and took some pictures and absorbed the cool Spring morning in the big city. Frame and Wheel completed five loops for a distance of 31 miles and a duration of 102 minutes. Average speed was 17 miles per hour and maximum speed was 32 miles per hour. Total elevation gain was 2,428 feet and maximum elevation was 237 feet. Frame and Wheel learned that to improve the accuracy of elevation measures, it is necessary to activate the 3G feature on the phone so that the GPS can connect to Google Maps and identify the location. 
Elsewhere, Frame and Wheel notes that after 8 am, the park begins to fill up with walkers, runners, cyclists, dogs and people on roller blades and cross country skiing rollers.  There are groups of walkers and runners and students walking and crossing the road. Soon after encountering a woman on a wheeled stair master, Frame and Wheel decided it was time to return home to a selection of fresh bagels.

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