Friday, January 7, 2011

What's in a name

Frame and Wheel appreciates that a good name for anything comes right away. A good name is obvious and requires very little thinking, perhaps because it comes from the heart or from a strong personal experience. Indeed, the more time spent thinking about and searching for the perfect name, the harder it becomes, and sometimes the less satisfactory the result. 
Frame and Wheel admits that from the beginning of this adventure, thinking up a name for the company and the brand has been very difficult. Frame and Wheel struggled to name itself, and arrived at the name "Frame and Wheel" only because it was sufficiently vague about its core business, and that was appropriate at the time. Frame and Wheel must admit that the name has grown on the founder, but it still sounds a bit odd for a high performance racing bicycle brand.
When it came to originate a name for the brand, Frame and Wheel remained stumped; naming the brand after the founder seemed presumptuous given that the founder's race results are not exactly legendary, although the founder is indeed proud of them. Additionally, the United States Trademark and Patent Office (USPTO) does not allow you to trademark a surname. 
Frame and Wheel thus looked around for some old brands that have some lingering luster to them, and that would only need some polishing and technological upgrades, in order to restore them to their former glory. This is the Mini Copper model more or less and it solved the problem of thinking up a name. Frame and Wheel only had to look in the garage for inspiration, where an old Austro-Daimler "Superleicht" languished (it now sits in the office). The idea of restoring this brand came from the heart, and it was based on years of experiences. Although the idea has not yet been completely discarded, the fact is that Frame and Wheel must begin thinking up a new name: it will be easier and highly preferable to being slapped with a writ from a deep pocket corporation, and it will take longer to get established. The inspiration has not yet come to Frame and Wheel, but it will at some point, so long as Frame and Wheel does not think about it, and keeps forging ahead. Learn to suffer with resolve.

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